Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day One

Today is the first day back at work after Christmas vacation. And, yes, according to my mother, it is Christmas vacation and not Winter break. I'm pretty sure she might have even gone to court or something over this when we were little. Or maybe that was about saying Bethlehem in the school musical. Regardless, this gives you a glimpse of my mother...ambitious. Anyway, the first day of the new year living in reality of the duldrums of wake up, go to work, go home, eat, work, shower, sleep. In the midst of this, well, actually, in the middle of one of my too long meetings today I found myself coming up with list of cliche resolutions. I found myself looking on my phone (yes, in the meeting, yes, bad teacher) for the 365 project...you know, a pic a day. I added this to my list of drink more water, eat more veggies, lose 15 pounds, run a half marathon. As you can see, I am ambitious, sound familiar? I long ago gave up on adding the find a husband. Somehow, adding that to the list every damn year would make me more and more of a failure; instead, in the past I have said things like date more, or make new friends, or fire old friends that are lame. Or join a dating website, or don't be so picky. Or, be MORE picky. So, you see, I have tried almost everything. So, when people say, "when the time is right, you'll meet him". Or "When you quit looking, he'll drop into your lap". Or, "He is out there, maybe you haven't______". Or "You know, the longer you wait to have kids, the harder it gets." I'm sure by now you are cringing, so I'll just stop. Because it makes me want to do far more than cringe. But, welcome to my life, my world. Last year was one of the worst years I have EVER had when it comes to the afore mentioned cliches, so you can imagine my joy when last year closed it's doors and I am welcoming 2011 with open arms. On my list this year is absolutely nothing to do with dating or with men in general, but instead, just me. So, when my sister told me she thought I was a good writer, which I am still not convinced of, I thought, why not hone those skills? Hence, day one. I originally wanted to call it "you have to kiss a lot of frogs", because well, honestly, I have, and I have a lot of good stories. But, she is right, it should be more about me and the frogs makes it more about them. After all, it is all about saving the princess.


  1. i seriously can't believe you just wrote that in like 15 minutes! your post made me laugh and love you more. thanks for opening up. i love your list. i can't wait to hear more of what goes on in your brain. love you. a ton! how is the half marathon going?!?!!

  2. Wow! am I reading some one know how to express herself in words. Keep it coming dear. I like you said about mom. couldn't wait to read day 2. Go for the half marathon. I will be there at the end for the half mile.

  3. yay for blogging! thank you for sharing your thoughts - you made me laugh & feel for you @ the same time. keep on writing please!

  4. You ARE a good writer. Yes- save the princess!! I didn't check my email. I love it. See what Anjuli and dad have started! Go princess! You are one in real life- remember your heritage :-). I love you!!

  5. i loved reading your witty little blog. nice new years resolutions!
