Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Why is it so hard to adapt to change? Funny thing is, I used to think I was soooo flexible and adaptable. Now, where THAT came from, who knows, because I am not (I wonder-Mom and Dad what I was like as a child). I get really flustered when plans changes. I mean, I have the ability to take a deep breath and deal with it, but it throws me off a little. That would be my off the chart "J" score on the Meyers Briggs for those of you that know about it. So, where am I going with this? Well, let's take a step back. This last weekend I was not feeling well, and just off, not quite myself. I found myself doing a lot of thinking; the kind in which you contemplate where you are in life (I do this a lot honestly). I have been teaching at the same school for almost ten years. I have traveled every spring or summer, I finally bought a condo. I live in this neat little box. Well, apart from the husband and two kids and the dogs...still working on those. But, regardless, a neat little box of a life. I have had the same group of girl friends for a while now, but things are changing now that they are married; it always does, but such is life. And it is good. Change is good. I wonder if sometimes those of us that resist change find ourselves stuck in a rut. I wonder, what does the next stage of my life hold? Will I be doing the same thing? Living in the same place? Have the same relationships? We sometimes resist the changes in life that are necessary to help us move into the next phase, whether that be a job, a relationship, a living situation... And yet, there is also value to accepting where you are in life as well. So, where is the line between complacency and contentment?


  1. another deep post!! sweetness is forming here. :)

  2. i needed to read this tonight. i feel like there is a lot of change in my future. and change scares me. i know it is good for me, but it still scares me because change usually comes with pain. yuck. but i know it is good for me. love you le.

  3. Spoken like someone with an impending birthday ... :)

  4. Interesting perspective...I guess noone likes change because of the uncertainty. The only comfort, purpose, hope and joy is to find and to cling to who and what is certain and will never ever change.

  5. Thank you all for supporting my writing. Tuesday nights may be my night!

  6. I'm with you on the whole having a hard time with change thing. Maybe it's an oldest child thing? :)

  7. the thing i love about change is that you get to pick the things you like and change the things you dont. like getting to start over in your closet. you can keep your favorite jeans and throw out your tee shirts.
