Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I know it is mid-January, so it's a little late for a New Year's Resolution, but I was thinking about what I would change if I could.  Other than wishing I could quit my job and travel around the world in 5 star hotels with Dan and two perfect children that always act like angels, I think I want more of the simple things.
Read more.
Write more.
Play more.
Hold hands more.
Eat dinner at the table more.
Laugh more.
Listen to more music.
See more sunsets.

And perhaps, a few things I would like to do this year....
Have a glass of Wine in Rome.
Watch the Sunset on the boat deck in Greece.
Try to surf again.
Move to a house. Rent? Own? Something with more than one bedroom, a garage, and a back yard.  Preferably a gigantic kitchen...
Plan a family vacation for summer 2014. Big Bear? Mammoth?
Take Dan to one U.S. city for a three day weekend.  Perhaps New Orleans? Boston?
Take Dan to Thailand or Australia.
All of these are doable. Well, some more than others, and many are dependent on the last thing on the list, which I am least able to control.
So, one addition to my "more" list.
Pray more.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. Its the little things that really make life "more" and we can totally do it, just have to slow down and make it happen. Very excited for your year of more!
