Friday, November 23, 2012


So, it's done. I'm married. That is ridiculously crazy. What it even more crazy is I actually feel different. I didn't think I would, but I do. How? Why? I'm not sure. Today we walked on the beach, early in the morning (yes, that alone is different, but I think that is the age and occupation) and I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. Part of me is scared of change (see previous blogs). I'm pretty well set in my ways (strong-willed some might call it) and different is scary. But, I'm also patient and calm... (perhaps even reasonable) most of the time. During this whole wedding process I only had one major meltdown and two mini meltdowns...not bad for planning everything in two months! Thanks Mom for dealing with my major meltdown over-wait for it-my need to have a list (I didn't have a to do list and I didn't know what to put on my to do list and I had a meltdown over it...I know...I'm bit type A). Oh, and my guest book. For some reason, I had in my head a particular book, and nothing was right. She spent hours driving around hunting for my book, buying books, only to have me nix them and return them. Where did I find it? Etsy, Australia. Sorry, Mom. But times are different. I planned my entire wedding on Pinterest and Etsy. What did people do before Pinterest? They drove around buying multiple guest books... It took a months, years. I don't know how people do this planning thing indefinitely. Well, I do actually see how they could do it, but no wonder there is the term bridezilla. The stress level is insane! It's been a crazy two months, but it's over and I enjoyed all of it (ok, most of it). Because now, we are past the "fiancé"-don't know why, but I disliked that word...and on the to "husband and wife" So that is way different too. I hear you get used to it, but that may take me a bit of adjustment time. I know that it won't be an easy road all the time. I'm still fighting an inner battle over the name change thing. And, I know it's different, I feel it. But, it's a good different. It's a different I look forward to. I might even get around to actually writing my new name. Leonie Maneevone Barton. But, the first step...a new title for the blog.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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